
set icons road barrier black silhouette vector illustrationI remember a police roadblock a few years ago that was set up to check license, registration and insurance. I remember feel pretty confident as I approached until I reached in the glove compartment of my truck and I had an expired insurance card. I knew right were the current insurance cards were. I fully expected to be busted and get a citation. As I approached the officers in charge, I recognized one of them and he knew me. I told him that I had left my card at my home, but that I’m sure I have it. He had to issue me a citation, but explained if I will go to the Police Department the next day with proof of insurance, the citation would be erased. I learned a valuable lesson and it only cost me a bit of inconvenience the next day.  Sometimes the roadblock will catch actual criminals who are running from the law or have serious citations issued against them.

There are roadblocks to my relationship with the Lord. There is sin in my heart and life that needs to be busted and eradicated from deep within. King David says it well when he explains what is needed to approach the Lord. Check this out….

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,

    the world, and all who live in it;
2 for he founded it on the seas

    and established it on the waters.
3 Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?

    Who may stand in his holy place?
4 The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,

    who does not trust in an idol

    or swear by a false god. (Psalm 24:1-4 NIV)


I want the Lord to clean my hands and my heart. I believe that all the bad stuff I think on and act upon comes from some heart issue. I believe that the enemy really attacks my heart because that is home to my soul. I believe that the good that I do comes from my heart.  I need the Lord to help me protect my heart and keep it clean before Him. When a roadblock happens and discovery of a heart issue is made, I need to take immediate action and deal with the sin in my diseased heart. I don’t want any idols or a distracted heart to keep me from the presence of the Lord.

Pressing On!

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