Rest & Return

I was reading this morning about all the Sabbath Rests of the people of Israel. I realize that I probably should rest way more frequently than I currently do. There is something about “unplugging” from my phone, calendar and work.  This is not super easy for me, because I really want all my clients to be served with excellent service. I do realize that without proper rest, I can become grumpy with everyone around me.

The Lord instituted a day of rest on the 7th day in the Old Testament. He also issued a year of rest every seven years.  After the 7th year of annual sabbaths, He instituted the Year of Jubilee. This was a year that was significant because all Israelite slaves were released. The Land was returned to the original owner if sold. If someone had become a slave in order to care for themselves and their family, they were freed in the year of Jubilee. Check this out….

“In addition, you must count off seven Sabbath years, seven sets of seven years, adding up to forty-nine years in all. Then on the Day of Atonement in the fiftieth year, blow the ram’s horn loud and long throughout the land. 10 Set this year apart as holy, a time to proclaim freedom throughout the land for all who live there. It will be a jubilee year for you, when each of you may return to the land that belonged to your ancestors and return to your own clan.

 54 If any Israelites have not been bought back by the time the Year of Jubilee arrives, they and their children must be set free at that time. 55 For the people of Israel belong to me. They are my servants, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt. I am the Lord your God. (Leviticus 25:8-10, 54-55 NLT)

My wife and I had a “year of Jubilee” moment last year on Black Friday, we made the final payment on our mortgage and got out of debt. That was our last debt and it has been fun living in freedom from that yoke. I highly recommend that everyone make a plan to get debt-free as soon as humanly possible.

Unfortunately, there is no year of Jubilee in our culture. There is no right of redemption of land in the state of Georgia after it is foreclosed or sold. I am reminded that decisions I make today regarding debt and money can have far reaching effects in my future.

I’m thankful for the redemption I have in Christ. I was enslaved in sin but He redeemed me. He is still redeeming me from my own stupid thoughts, choices and behaviors. I need redemption of my heart to continue more on a daily basis rather than every 7 days, 7 years or more.

Pressing On!


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