
I used to hate it when my parents would send me to my room because I was about to receive punishment that I deserved for something I had just done. The time between being sent to my room and waiting for the spanking (aka whoopin’) was pretty miserable. I needed some firm boundaries as a kid and my parents provided those boundaries. The boundaries were for my own good, but I didn’t see it at the time.

As I’ve grown up and I’m a parent too – I realized how miserable it is to punish one of my children. My parents used to say that “it hurt them to punish me”.  I didn’t see it at the time, but I understand it now.

This morning I was reading in Ezekiel where the Lord is about to punish Israel for their rebellion. I know that it hurts Him to bring punishment on those He loves. Their rebellion is well documented and clear. Check this out…

24 “Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Again and again you remind me of your sin and your guilt. You don’t even try to hide it! In everything you do, your sins are obvious for all to see. So now the time of your punishment has come! (Ezekiel 21:24 NLT)

I’m so thankful that I know the rest of the story of God. He sent His One and Only Son into the world that the world could be saved from punishment. I know me. I know my heart. I know of my sin. I know of my guilt. I most definitely deserve punishment, but the Lord gives grace. His grace is a bit crazy. His love appears reckless. His mercy is ridiculous. He loves me anyway.

Grace and Mercy erases my need for punishment because Jesus came to earth and took my punishment upon Himself. I walked from my sin when I deserved death. He took my sin to the cross and I was given life.

When I read these accounts in the Old Testament where punishment is on the way, I cringe a bit, because I would likely been right there on the rebellious side of Israel. I don’t have to look very far back into my past (like even yesterday or already today) and see where I’ve sinned. I am so grateful for Grace that Jesus brought. I deserve punishment but instead, I receive a Huge Inheritance!

Pressing On!


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