
Person symbol run time race against clockI like being prompted in some things. When you’ve been standing in line to check in at the ticket counter if the airline and they yell “next”. I also like being prompted in other areas. Being prompted takes some of the guess work out of what I’m supposed to do. I think prompting works well because there is some accountability built in by the person doing the prompting. If I’m being prompted during a workout, I will work harder if the prompter (aka trainer) is there pushing and motivating me.

There is a quiet prompting that goes on inside my heart each day. I believe that God’s Spirit dwells in my heart and He will often prompt me to do something or say something. I need my spiritual ears to be on high alert. I need to hear when He speaks or prompts. I need to trust in Him. If He’s doing the prompting, the He will provide all I need to obey. Paul speaks to this subject to the Christ followers at Thessalonica.  Check this out….

11 So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. 12 Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live, and you will be honored along with him. This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ. (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 NLT)

I’ve been prompted to eat breakfast at a certain place. I’ve been prompted to go to the store and buy batteries or some other small thing and encounter another person that I know, or the Lord puts in my path. I don’t believe in consequences. I believe in appointments and the Lord orchestrates this type of appointments all the time. I have story after story where I am convinced that the Lord prompted me to do something or say something. I look back and I could clearly see His hand. I think as I’ve grown older, my physical hearing has gotten worse, but my spiritual hearing is improving.

I recently heard author, speaker, entrepreneur, Mel Robbins speak on the Five Second Rule. It was a powerful, motivating talk about taking action. Don’t wait – go. I have heard the Lord prompt me many times and I didn’t move. I want to walk with Him so closely that His whisper seems like a shout. And the courage I need to take action is immediate. After all, I want my life to please and honor Him above everyone else!

Pressing On!


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