
This is not an easy concept to describe. I will often go to the www.dictionary.comto look up the definition of a word that jumps in my lap when reading the Word of God. This morning the word was perspective. When I looked it up, I couldn’t find a definition that captured “my perspective of the word perspective”. I see perspective as a particular angle or view from where I sit. Perspective is very personal. My perspective is mine, much like my opinion is mine.  I base my perspective on my experience, my thoughts and my interpretation of events and activities around me.

King Hezekiah was actually near death and he began to desperately cry out to the Lord. He had been suffering and he knew death was close. The Lord heard his cry for help and extended his life by 15 years! This story gives me hope for a close personal friend who is fighting for his life and 15 months would be super helpful, let alone 15 years! Hezekiah shared his perspective in a prayer. Check this out…..

15b Now I will walk humbly throughout my years
    because of this anguish I have felt.
16 Lord, your discipline is good,
    for it leads to life and health.
You restore my health
    and allow me to live!
17 Yes, this anguish was good for me,
    for you have rescued me from death
    and forgiven all my sins. (Isaiah 38:15b-17 NLT)

Experience can be a hard teacher.

Suffering can be a hard teacher.

Struggle can be a hard teacher.

The Lord has taught me truths about Him during suffering and struggle that I’m not sure I would have learned the same, any other way. In my desperation, perspective can show up. In some of my darkest moments, perspective enlightens my soul. Please note that there is a difference in perception and perspective. Perception is how a person has decided the facts are at a given moment. Perspective has to do with what the facts mean to me. My journey with the Lord has taught me to view my life and all the events of my life through the lens of His Word and His Promises. He is with me. He is for me. His Presence in me changes my perspective on EVERYTHING!

Pressing On!


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