Look Back Then Look Forward

As I get older, I realize why older people are reflective and look back at their past a lot. It’s often because things are a lot clearer now. It’s also because we’ve lived longer in the past on this earth than we’ll live in the future. It doesn’t mean, older folks are not excited about their future, there is comfort in the ground we’ve already covered. Did you notice what I did? I put myself in the “older people” category. I am old, relatively speaking compared to my 30-year-old kids or my younger 3 who are all about to be in their 20’s.  I don’t want to be misunderstood, I believe that I have some amazing experiences ahead of me before my arrival in heaven. I’m not looking back in regret, but I think it’s healthy to glance back every now and then to see where you’ve been.

I know what spiritual struggle is and it is not a fun place. I also know what spiritual victories look like and feel like. I am still learning to hold the Fathers hand, not matter where I am. I recent heard a good quote that said: “Obedience is a long, steady walk in the same direction”. I also try to remember that the mirrors on my truck, while big and plentiful, they are not as big as my windshield. This reminds me that if I spend too much time looking backward, I might hit a tree that is front of me and not moving.

The sons of Korah wrote a bunch of Psalms. The one I came across this morning was a bit reflective and they were bummed with where they now where. They looked back on their nation’s history and sought draw strength with where they found themselves. Check this out….

I do not trust in my bow;
    I do not count on my sword to save me.
You are the one who gives us victory over our enemies;
    you disgrace those who hate us.
O God, we give glory to you all day long
    and constantly praise your name. (Psalm 44:6-8 NLT)

I find encouragement in looking back at where the Lord moved in my life as I navigated a dark valley or a struggle. He is faithful to me, even when I try to do things on my own. He is faithful to me, even when I’m ignoring His Counsel. When things are going great, it is wise for me to remember Who helped me get here. He is the One Who builds my memory and gives me strength through the struggles. I don’t ever want to take credit for victories and wins in my life that were really His.

His Presence in me has given me proper perspective on my past and a positive outlook on my future – the best of my life with Him is still in front of me. I want my life here on earth to be lived in all out pursuit of His heart so that my arrival in heaven will be an easy transition. His Presence. His Purpose. His Power. His Perspective.

Pressing On!


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