Little Details

There are times when the seemingly most insignificant things really matter to the big picture. I read a book a few years back called The Little Things by Andy Andrews. The subtitle of the book is “why you really should sweat the small stuff”.  In his book, Andy uses several examples in history because things turned out the way they did because someone forgot about some seemingly minute detail. One example is Napoleon’s defeat a Waterloo. Napoleon had all the tools to defeat Wellington’s men. Napoleon had more men and more cannons. When defeating an enemy, the way to disable a cannon is to drive a nail in it. The cannon was made of bronze and had a small touch hole where they would light the fuse. Napoleon’s men forgot the nails. As the battle at Waterloo continued, Wellington’s men were able to get their cannons back and started firing them upon the army who had just defeated them. A little detail like nails changed the course of the battle.

Jesus’s ministry fulfills prophesy and multiple steps along the way. He is very aware of little things that connect Him to the Old Testament prophesies. Here is a little detail of a donkey’s colt. Check this out….

1As Jesus and the disciples approached Jerusalem, they came to the town of Bethphage on the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent two of them on ahead. “Go into the village over there,” he said. “As soon as you enter it, you will see a donkey tied there, with its colt beside it. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone asks what you are doing, just say, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and he will immediately let you take them.” (Matthew 21:1-3 NLT)

I’m trying to imagine how the owner of the donkey and colt must have felt when Jesus’ followers asked to borrow the donkey and colt. I think it would have been cool as they watched Jesus’ entering the city and with all the excitement riding on their little colt.

I think there are little details that the Lord needs from me. He might do something very significant with something that seems like a small detail to me.

A little kindness shown to a stranger….

A gift to a missionary….

A personal note of encouragement….

A phone call to a friend…..

A drop in visit just to say hello….

There are times when the Lord prompts me to do something, and this little detail is likely part of something way bigger than me. I want to allow the Lord to use anything I have for anything He needs. I don’t have a donkey and a colt, but I have other things He can use to do whatever He wants. All I have really belongs to Him – including the smallest of things.

Pressing On!


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