Leadership Strength

I enjoy looking at great leaders and studying their lives behind the scenes. One of my favorite all-time leaders to study is Abraham Lincoln. I think leadership is an art for sure. It takes great skill and patience to lead others who are deeply opinionated, stubborn and often bull-headed.

David was a leader before he was king. He led his team of misfits, family members and refugees. In the face of struggle, it becomes clear the source of David’s strength. Check this out….

1Three days later, when David and his men arrived home at their town of Ziklag, they found that the Amalekites had made a raid into the Negev and Ziklag; they had crushed Ziklag and burned it to the ground. They had carried off the women and children and everyone else but without killing anyone.

When David and his men saw the ruins and realized what had happened to their families, they wept until they could weep no more. David’s two wives, Ahinoam from Jezreel and Abigail, the widow of Nabal from Carmel, were among those captured. David was now in great danger because all his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters, and they began to talk of stoning him. But David found strength in the Lord his God. (1 Samuel 30:1-6 NLT)

I believe the first place I should go as a leader is to the Lord. I should seek to know Him and to fellowship with Him.  I must have my feet firmly planted on Him as my foundation. My leadership strength should come from the Lord. I think great strength comes when I’m prepared for the struggle. Preparation is a daily exercise and discipline. I think the reason David found his strength in the Lord at that moment, is because of the other days that he came before the Lord is prayer, worship and seeking Him.

I pray for our leaders often because I know it takes great strength to lead in a time of crisis. I believe in leaning into the Lord and drawing from the strength He alone can give. When I trust the Lord and seek His heart, I find great strength to lead myself, my family and others who would follow.

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