Leader Goes Last

There are times when a leader is out in front staring down opposition and looking at options. The leader cuts a path for others to travel with direction and even protection. Sometimes the leader is the last to be honored and blessed. If a leader is not a servant leader, I’m not sure he can be called a leader. A leader is only a leader IF he/she has people following. John Maxwell said, “He that thinketh he leadeth and hath no one following him is only taking a walk.”

Joshua and the people of Israel are dividing up the land promised and delivered by God. All the twelve tribes were given territory to live and put down roots. At last, the leader, Joshua gets some land to settle. He was promised this land back when he was part of the twelve spies who were sent to explore the land. Only he and Caleb lived to see it because of their trust in the Lord that He would conquer the land for the people of Israel. Check this out….

49 After all the land was divided among the tribes, the Israelites gave a piece of land to Joshua as his allocation. 50 For the Lord had said he could have any town he wanted. He chose Timnath-serah in the hill country of Ephraim. He rebuilt the town and lived there. (Joshua 19:49-50 NLT)

Joshua was a leader who was a follower of God and His servant Moses. He served faithfully under Moses until the Lord installed him as leader of the people after Moses. Joshua was also a warrior leader. He led the people in the conquest of the land promised by God. He was a strong leader and displayed so many profound characteristics of a leader.

Leadership requires courage.

Leadership requires trust.

Leadership requires patience.

Leadership requires humility.

Leadership requires service.

Leadership at its very core is influence.

I desire to be a leader in God’s economy. I want to be known as a follower and servant of God who is willing to be used by the Lord to lead and influence others. I don’t want to lead to prop up my ego. I want to lead to serve and influence others for the Lord. If I seek fame and notoriety, then I’m not serving first. I don’t want to be selfish and self-serving as a leader.

Pressing On!


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