Justice & Righteousness


Waikato River near Huka Falls, NZThese are two different concepts but a bit related. Justice is the quality of being fair and reasonable. Righteousness is the quality of being morally right, virtuous, honorable, and good. The Lord represents both of these descriptions. He calls me to do the same. I came across a small verse in Amos that features both of these concepts. Check this out…

23 Away with the noise of your songs!

    I will not listen to the music of your harps.

24 But let justice roll on like a river,

    righteousness like a never-failing stream! (Amos 5:23-24 NIV)

This verse connected me with a song that I used to sing a lot back in the 90’s (ok some I’m declaring I’m old!) This song resonates with me because I believe that the Lord is the Source of EVERYTHING GOOD! He is also full of justice, grace and mercy. Check out these lyrics….

C) When justice rolls down like a mighty water

And righteousness grows like an ever flowing stream

And mercy resounds like the waves on the ocean

Let praises rise high on the songs of the redeemed


1) There is a river that streams from the temple

Begins as a trickle but ends in the sea

As it grows healing it will give

Where it flows everything will live


2) Wade in the water and feel the strong current

Remember the stagnance of stale life before

God is here; leave the past behind

In these clear waters you will find


C) When justice rolls down like a mighty water

And righteousness grows like an ever flowing stream

And mercy resounds like the waves on the ocean

Let praises rise high on the songs of the redeemed

©1994 Stromburg, Carlson, Donley

I need to be reminded that if I’m righteous it’s ONLY because He has dispensed Grace & Mercy in large quantities. His mercy and grace brings healing to my soul. He sets my path on a new road. When the Lord is invited into my circumstance He changes everything. When He arrives – Hope always accompanies Him. I’m thankful for the clear waters that the Lord delivers to my soul.

Pressing On!


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