
I used to love the game Pictionary where you gave clues by drawing a picture. Some of my drawing was pretty bad. It had to be fast because there was a timer going. There were other games where you read a word and had to give clues without saying the word. I think the timer made these games more interesting because you had to go fast with both the clues and the guessing of what the word was.

I started the book of Ezekiel this morning and I knew it was going to be a tough read. It is filled with imagery and visionary information that is beyond my ability to understand. Quite frankly, it was beyond Ezekiel’s ability to understand and properly describe. He is speaking of this vision in the first five verses of chapter one. I am going to give him a break, because he’s trying to use earthly experiences to describe something from another realm altogether. As I’m reading about these winged creatures, with eyes everywhere and then the four-headed creatures, I realize that this is his best description based on anything he’s seen or experienced up to this point in his life.  He meets another unusual creature that compels him to fall on his knees. Check this out….

26 Above this surface was something that looked like a throne made of blue lapis lazuli. And on this throne high above was a figure whose appearance resembled a man. 27 From what appeared to be his waist up, he looked like gleaming amber, flickering like a fire. And from his waist down, he looked like a burning flame, shining with splendor. 28 All around him was a glowing halo, like a rainbow shining in the clouds on a rainy day. This is what the glory of the Lord looked like to me. When I saw it, I fell face down on the ground, and I heard someone’s voice speaking to me. (Ezekiel 1:26-28 NLT)

I’m not sure what I would do if I saw some of the things Ezekiel saw. I’m not sure I would share it with anyone because it’s so indescribable in human terms. When we think of heaven, we think of it in earthly terms – streets of gold, people we recognize, only joy and happiness. I can describe my house or your house in a way you can understand. I can even describe a museum in terms you understand even if it housed things I had never seen before. Ezekiel was trying to describe things far beyond anything he had ever seen or heard.

I trust the Lord even though I can’t physically describe Him.

I trust that He is preparing a place for me because He said as much.

I trust the Lord to lead me and to show me where to go and what to do.

I trust the Lord will complete in me that which He has started. I want to trust the Lord as I move toward my heavenly home which I can’t see or describe. I’m not sure I will ever have adequate words to describe the things of God. I can trust Him. I can express my faith in Him. I can live my life on purpose for Him. I will keep my eyes on Jesus (eyes of faith not literal eyes) as I live out my life here on earth.

Pressing On!


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