
follow investigateI’m ok at following directions when they are written out – if I decide I need to read them. If you’ve ever bought a small piece of furniture (that’s a stretch to call it that) from IKEA, then you know what it’s like to follow directions in the assembly process. If my wife shoots me a text of what she needs from the grocery store on the way home, I’ve got that. I’m learning that if I follow directions, I won’t have as many parts left over. I’m also learning that reading directions can save me time.

I’ve been a Christian since I was in third grade – which is a long time ago. I have learned so much about the Fathers heart by listening to great lessons and instructions from His Word. I’ve also learned that some people add things to the instructions that are not in the Word. I decided a good while ago that I was going to become a student of the Word so that I could follow the instructions there rather than some ones “interpretation” of the instructions. Paul gave some sound counsel to the church a Colossae about following. Check this out….

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. (Colossians 2:6-7 NLT)

I must keep following the Lord. I remember when I changed careers 15 years ago and started my real estate career. I remember telling my kids that I was still going to follow the Lord with my life even though I wouldn’t be full time in ministry. By following the Lord, I believe He opened up more opportunities for me to serve Him. Following Him is simple, but not always easy.

Following Him and studying His Word has deepened my faith over the years. My faith has grown through the times of struggle and suffering. In the past year, I was introduced to the power of gratitude. This has profoundly deepened my faith as well. Everything I have and all that I am, I owe to the Lord. He has blessed me beyond my ability to grasp. I’m learning to be thankful for His Provision and His Presence at all times. That came about by continuing to follow Him. I plan to be a follower of Jesus all the rest of my days.

Pressing On!


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