Final Days


DevastatedI’ve been around people who have lived a good long life and they are entering their final days. I’ve also been around people who are really too young to be in their final days, but disease or sickness has shortened their life here on earth. When the person in his or her final days is someone I love and care for deeply, it’s especially tough. I do think that there is a blessing in actually having the final days so that we all can say what needs to be said.

Jacob (aka Israel) was in his final days and living in Egypt where the whole family had moved due to the famine. When Joseph heard that he was sick, he took his two sons, Ephraim & Manasseh to visit his dad. Jacob rallies his strength to sit up and actually speak a blessing over Joseph and his two sons. Check this out…

15 Then he blessed Joseph and said,

‘May the God before whom my fathers

    Abraham and Isaac walked faithfully,

the God who has been my shepherd

    all my life to this day,

16 the Angel who has delivered me from all harm

    – may he bless these boys.

May they be called by my name

    and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac,

and may they increase greatly

    on the earth.’ (Genesis 48:15-16 NIV)

The “final days” are simply the final days on earth. It is tough to say “good bye” to people I love, but I believe that this life is not all there is. I believe in eternal life that God has prepared for those who believe in Him. I think its really wise to say today whatever I need to say to my loved ones, because I never know when they are in their final days or whether I am in my final days. I want to make my final days count whether or not I have 25 more years or 25 more days. I want to continue on walking with the Lord everyday I have here on earth because I look forward to the day I walk with Him in heaven. I think I should live today like I’m in my final days – say what I need to say to whom I need to say it. I know it’s a bit morbid or scary but I don’t have control over when my actual “final days” are.

Pressing On!


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