Fear God


hope erase fearI remember as a kid being scared to death of God. I thought He was this “giant old man” in the sky who was there to “smack my hand” if I got out of line or was disobedient. I did pretty much everything for God out of my fear of Him. As I’ve grown older, my “fear” has evolved into Profound Respect. I no longer fear Him they way I once did, because I know Him so much better. While my relationship with God began with fear, it is healthier now that fear has grown to love and respect.

Joseph has had a tough road after his brothers sold him into slavery. The Lord has been with Him and He continues to trust the Lord with his future. This is an unstoppable combination – my trust in the Lord with my past, present and future. God can use my experiences to build upon and make me stronger. He never misses an opportunity to help me grow.

Josephs brothers now come to Egypt because there is famine where they live too. The way Pharaoh set it up, was Joseph was governor and he dispensed the grain as part of his “famine survival plan” that Pharaoh had signed off on. He recognizes his brothers, but they don’t recognize him. He is speaking to them through and interpreter. I’m sure Joseph looks like an Egyptian ruler. As they bow to Joseph, he recalls his dream. He challenges them about being spies. He puts a bit of pressure on them and even puts them in custody for three days. I’m not sure Joseph knew what to do with them. He may have battled revenge, but it sure looks to me like he’s looking for a break through. Check this out…

18 On the third day, Joseph said to them, ‘Do this and you will live, for I fear God: 19 if you are honest men, let one of your brothers stay here in prison, while the rest of you go and take grain back for your starving households. 20 But you must bring your youngest brother to me, so that your words may be verified and that you may not die.’ This they proceeded to do. (Genesis 41:18-20 NIV)

Joseph had a strong relationship with God. The Lord had guided his steps this far. He speaks about his fear of God to his brothers. He really wants them to bring his younger brother, Benjamin to Egypt. He then gives them the grain they requested and gives them the money they brought to pay for it. This story has some more unfolding to do.

As I walk with the Lord through His Word, I become even more convinced of His deep love for me. He created me. He wired me. He lives in me. He is for me. He will guide my steps and shape my journey how He wants to and I’m good with that. I follow the Lord now not because I fear hell, but because He loves me deeply and I can’t resist that level of love. I respect God. I want to honor Him with my activities. I want my activities to speak out about my commitment to Him and my profound respect for Him.

Pressing On!


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