Dress Up!

I’m not one who enjoys formal “dress up” events. I don’t mind wearing a nice pair of slacks, shirt, and sports coat. I can even wear a tie in some circumstances. I prefer casual dress any day of the week. When I’m on summer vacation, I dress in shorts, t-shirt, and sandals.  I do try to dress to the occasion for where I’m going. I usually wear a pair of slacks and branded shirt during the week. If I’m going to a wedding, I’m dressing up a bit. If I’m going to a funeral, I’m dressing up a bit as well. If the wedding is at the beach, it may call for casual dress. I think my point is clear – I usually pay close attention to how I dress my body.

Paul is reminding me that dress is way more than the clothes I wear. He’s reminding me to dress up my heart. Check this out…

14 Instead, clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don’t let yourself think about ways to indulge your evil desires. (Romans 13:14 NLT)

I think Paul is talking way deeper than outer appearance. He’s reminding me to clothe my heart with the Presence of Jesus. I think it’s a shame if we spend more time making ourselves look nice on the outside, when our heart needs a “spiritual shower” and clean clothes.

One of the ways, I can clothe my heart with the Presence of Jesus, is to spend time listening to Him speak to me.

He speaks through others.

He speaks through His Word.

He speaks through His creation.

He speaks through silence.

I’m so thankful that He is patient with me as I figure out the importance of clothing my heart with His Presence as I walk out my faith in Him.

Pressing On!


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