
Beautiful Blue Sky with Clouds and Sun Rays.This word means, “to make a prominent exhibition of something in a place where it can be easily seen”. It is often appropriate for me to display my love and appreciation for my wife and children. I actually believe as a Christ follower that my life is on display and conclusions are drawn about my faith according to how my faith is displayed in my everyday life. My faith actually comes from deep within my heart and then makes it way out through my behavior. The Lord is most concerned about what is “on display” in my heart.

Moses and Aaron are leading the people of Israel as they are leaving Egypt. The final plague (death of firstborn) really punished Egypt and Pharaoh gave permission for the people to go. The Lord is giving specific instructions to Moses about the route of the Exodus and God is also using a pillar of fire to lead them by night and a cloud pillar to lead them in the daytime. Under the Lord’s leading they end up at the edge of the Red Sea with the Egyptians in pursuit because Pharaoh had changed his mind yet again and wanted to capture them and put them back to work. It’s hard for me to understand that the Israelites where probably a million strong in numbers, counting men, women and children. What happens next is quite historic. Check this out….

29 But the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left. 30 That day the Lord saved Israel from the hands of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the shore. 31 And when the Israelites saw the mighty hand of the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant. (Exodus 14:29-31 NIV)

The Lord put on quite a show for all to see. He not only provided safe passage for His people across the Red Sea, but He also took out the Egyptian army who was threatening His people. He did this to display His Power and His Love to His people.

I was reminded of times in my past where I’ve seen the Power and Love of God displayed for me to see. I can say for sure that there were times when I would have been devastated, but He showed up and showed off His Power.   I’m still learning to trust Him with the simplest of details to the biggest of decisions that I face every day. I need the Lord to lead me through this maze of life. I need His direction daily. I need Him to save me from others who want to harm me. I also need Him to save me from my own dumb decisions and irrational behavior. I need to see His Power and His Presence DISPLAYED DAILY for me. If I will tune my heart in, I will see that He delivers all of the above.

Pressing On!


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