
This is defined as making a statement that something is untrue.  I can deny my involvement in an activity that I’m accused of doing or being part of.  Usually, a denial has been preceded by an accusation. I think denial is somewhat of a defensive response rather than an offensive response.

I’m reading John’s account of Jesus life. I’m getting toward the end of his book and Jesus is fulfilling what He came here to accomplish. Jesus is preparing His disciples for what is about to happen. I’m not sure that any of them were ready for what was about to happen.

When the chief priests and Pharisees came to the garden to arrest Jesus – they were led by Judas, the betrayer. Peter was ready to fight. In fact, he took a swing at one of the people in the entourage and cut off his ear.  Jesus calmed him down and then allowed Himself to be arrested. I’m not sure where all the other disciples went, but I think it was Peter and John who followed closely to see what was happening. Check this out….

15 Simon Peter followed Jesus, as did another of the disciples. That other disciple was acquainted with the high priest, so he was allowed to enter the high priest’s courtyard with Jesus. 16 Peter had to stay outside the gate. Then the disciple who knew the high priest spoke to the woman watching at the gate, and she let Peter in. 17 The woman asked Peter, “You’re not one of that man’s disciples, are you?”

“No,” he said, “I am not.”

18 Because it was cold, the household servants and the guards had made a charcoal fire. They stood around it, warming themselves, and Peter stood with them, warming himself. (John 18:15-18 NLT)

Jesus had predicted that Peter would deny Him three times. This is the first denial. I think the first denial makes the ones that follow easier. It works that way with affirmation. If I make a statement about what I believe, it’s easier to continue standing on that statement. Once you lie or deny, it’s hard to change that or “unring that bell”.

Every time I read this account of Peter’s denial; I have to take a look inward at myself. How many times have I denied knowing Jesus?  It’s way too many to count. I decided several years ago that I would never again deny knowing Him. I would affirm my convictions and my beliefs about Jesus by how I live and the choices I make. I don’t want to simply say the He’s my Lord and Savior – I want to live like it. When my actions follow my convictions then I’m living in harmony with my heart and my head.

I am an unashamed follower of Jesus, the One and Only Son of God. I believe His teachings are true. I believe that His teaching is a relevant today as back when He walked this earth teaching truth.  I want to make choices today that reflect my belief and conviction about Who He is and all that He’s leading me to do.

Pressing On!


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