Declaration of Dependence

Please note that I am thankful for this country that I live in – I was born and raised here. My heart swells with gratitude when I pause to think of the people who’ve gone before me and defended the values of freedom and our way of life. Some have given all they had to give – their very life. I love the study of history and I see the value of learning from history because it can be a strong predictor of the future. I really wish our country returned to many of the values that have made us who we are. I obviously can’t speak for everyone, but I can speak for me. I have made and continue to make a “Declaration of Dependence” upon the Lord. I came across a passage of scripture this morning that helped this settle once again in my soul. Check this out….

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
    will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
    he is my God, and I trust him. (Psalm 91:1-2 NLT)

I want to live in the shelter of the Most High. I want His Shadow to cover me and give me rest today and every day. When I’m standing in His Shadow, it means that there is light and it’s hitting Him first. It also means that I’m close by. His Shadow is connected to Him. I want to be right there. When I realize just how close He is, peace invades my soul. When I realize just how close He is, I feel incredibly loved and blessed. When I realize just how close He is, worry and fear flee the scene. I want to declare what a difference He’s made in my life. He has my complete confidence and trust. I am totally dependent upon Him and I’m staying close by Him as I navigate this day.

Pressing On!


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