
I remember some of my “crushes” when I was much younger and innocent.  I ended up getting my heart “crushed” when nothing came of them.  I have had my heart “crushed” many times since then.  I’ve learned that I have a sensitive heart. It’s not all bad for sure, but it does need to be a bit guarded and protected.

I think that I need to protect my heart much like I protect my body. When it’s cold outside, I dress warm to protect my body. When it’s sunny, I use sunscreen to protect the skin on my body.  I go to the doctor for regular check-ups to see how my body is doing as my body ages.  I should do some similar things to protect my heart. I should come before the Lord to keep my heart checked to make sure it’s healthy before the Lord.

As I was reading through Job this morning, I was reminded that my heart health is as important as my body’s health. I believe my heart health is actually the priority. Check this out….

1“My spirit is crushed,
    and my life is nearly snuffed out.
    The grave is ready to receive me.
I am surrounded by mockers.
    I watch how bitterly they taunt me.

“You must defend my innocence, O God,
    since no one else will stand up for me. (Job 17:1-3 NLT)

I wonder how many people die early because their spirit is crushed, and they simply have no more fight in them. I feel like the statistic would be a bit staggering. I think it’s important to keep my heart healthy and whole. I also believe it’s important to pay attention to my physical health as well.

I should control the things I can control and trust the Lord with all the rest. I can control what I eat, and how much I exercise. I can control the amount of time I spend in the Word of God. I think there is a direct correlation with the amount of time I spend feeding my soul from God’s Word to the health of my heart.  I don’t want to be crushed in spirit or physically. I want to be alert to the enemy schemes that seek to take me out.  My trust is in the Lord.

Pressing On!


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