
I was taught years ago that confession was agreement with the Lord about my sin. It’s a bit more than that. I believe that my confession is ownership of my sin.  Confession is admission and acknowledgment of something that I’ve done that is wrong. Confession is a word to describe a formal profession of my faith.

As I was reading about sins that require a sin offering, I could see the word confession woven through out. I applied it personally about owning my own mistakes. I don’t want guilt to cripple me, but I want to own my sin, repent and move forward.

The rules given to the people of Israel at Mt. Sinai were specific as if this happens with some frequency. Check this out….

1“If you are called to testify about something you have seen or that you know about, it is sinful to refuse to testify, and you will be punished for your sin.

“Or suppose you unknowingly touch something that makes a person unclean. When you realize what you have done, you must admit your guilt.

“Or suppose you make a foolish vow of any kind, whether its purpose is for good or for bad. When you realize its foolishness, you must admit your guilt.

“When you become aware of your guilt in any of these ways, you must confess your sin. (Leviticus 5:1, 3-5 NLT)

It takes a good balance of humility to be able to own or acknowledge my mistakes. I know that my pride can sometimes rear its head and help me try to justify my behavior. I’m learning that the quicker I acknowledge/confess my sin, the quicker I can be forgiven. I can’t always “fix” the consequences of my sin, but I can own my sin/mistake and try to help remediate the damage done.

I have to careful in being too cavalier about sin. It is destructive and damaging and leaves a swath in its path. I’ve seen individuals and families destroyed by sin and they could have surrendered their pride and confessed their sin and found restoration. Restoration after a destructive act of sin is not free from pain, but it is the best way to own my sin and decisions that caused such damage.  Pride prevents confession and therefore prevents repentance and restoration. Pride is foolish and destructive. Its “cousin” is stubbornness and stupidity!

I need to humble and gentle.

I need to take responsibility (own it/acknowledge it) for my behavior – all of it.

I need to do my best to make amends when I’ve harmed someone else.

I need to repent and seek forgiveness and then move forward. This is all real simple, but not easy.

Pressing On!


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