
I’m not a big fan of ceremony. Occasionally, I’m invited to a wedding ceremony and that is fun and full of joy. Sometimes if it’s a formal ceremony, it’s not as fun. There are other ceremonies that I participate in often. I worship and serve at a church that takes communion every Sunday. We also practice the ceremony of baptism by immersion.  These ceremonies are a good bit different than the ceremonies of the old law. The ceremonies often included sacrificing an animal or birds to make things right before God.  There were ceremonies for many different issues. Check this out….

54 “These are the instructions for dealing with serious skin diseases, including scabby sores; 55 and mildew, whether on clothing or in a house; 56 and a swelling on the skin, a rash, or discolored skin. 57 This procedure will determine whether a person or object is ceremonially clean or unclean.

“These are the instructions regarding skin diseases and mildew.” (Leviticus 14:54-57 NLT)

Today we go to the doctor with a serious skin rash and get some salve and we are usually good to go. The issue with mildew is because there is moisture intruding into the home. When you cut off the sources of moisture, the mildew subsides or is easily remediated.

I’m continuously thankful that when Jesus came, He brought freedom from the old law. He changed the foundation of our faith from a religion to a relationship. God is now dwelling in the hearts of His People. The Lord Himself walks with us and talks with us with or without ceremony. I think I’ve heard the Lord speak more into my soul with little fanfare or ceremony.

I sometimes cringe when I think of just how unclean I am when reading the Old Law. I’m so thankful that I don’t have to keep a herd of cattle to sacrifice for my sins, which are many. I want to practically walk out my faith and trust in the Lord. When I stumble, I will get back up and return to Him seeking His Presence and His Grace again and again. I guess some would see that as ceremony.

Pressing On!


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