Bring On The Light

I wake up most mornings and turn on minimal light in the house as I wake up to face the day. I like to watch the day wake up as the sun rises. I am not a fan of darkness. I like to have light available all around.

Jesus was teaching the people when the time was getting close for His Glory to be revealed and His death was near. He talked a lot about the Light of the World. He called Himself the Light of The World and He called us to be light as well. Check this out…

35 Jesus replied, “My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going. 36 Put your trust in the light while there is still time; then you will become children of the light.”

44 Jesus shouted to the crowds, “If you trust me, you are trusting not only me, but also God who sent me. 45 For when you see me, you are seeing the one who sent me. 46 I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark. (John 12:35-36, 44-46 NLT)

I want Jesus to shine in my life by the way I live, the things I say and the things I do. I believe my actions speak louder than my words. I want to walk in the Light of His Word. I want Him to illuminate the path I’m supposed to walk upon.

I am so thankful for His forgiveness and grace for all the times I’ve yielded to the darkness and given in to sin. He light has found me and rescued me too many times to count.  Light is silent but effective. The darkness is often loud and inviting. There is always a source of light, but darkness invades where there is no light. I remember vividly going to Mammoth Cave years ago and sitting a room with a crowd of people and the guide turned off all the lights to show us just how dark it was. I couldn’t see anything or anyone. The guide then lit a match and the whole room was illuminated. After my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, the small light of a match changed the situation dramatically.

I need Jesus, The Light of The World to light up my life.

I need Jesus to light my way.

I need Jesus in my heart to chase out the darkness.

Pressing On!


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