

By Dwayne Hicks | October 13, 2022 |

I don’t consider myself to be the most creative person in the room. I have learned over the years that “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). I have watched and learned from other creative people when it comes to work and life. David was fleeing for his life because Saul wanted him…


By Dwayne Hicks | October 10, 2022 |

I remember breaking down years ago when I was in college, and I was on a stretch of road that felt desolate. We were miles from a freeway exit. Some students that went to the same college “happen to be on the same road” and noticed us. They stopped to help – my car was…


By Dwayne Hicks | October 4, 2022 |

I have found that even when I was younger, I needed reminding a lot. I needed reminded of deep friendships and deep commitments from others. I needed reminding of God’s Presence and God’s Patience with me as I stumble and bumble my way to Him.  I have been a follower of the Lord since I…


By Dwayne Hicks | October 3, 2022 |

This word means “resume after an interruption”. I think it also carries with it making things “new again”.  I renewed my subscription. I have also renewed my commitment to the Lord after a season of staleness. I have renewed relationships. The Prophet Samuel anointed Saul as the first King of Israel and then later Saul…

My King

By Dwayne Hicks | September 29, 2022 |

I’ve grown up watching movies about Kings and Queens. There were some great kings over the years and lots of corrupt kings as well. There are some kings that rule with kindness, and some are ruthless. We have a democracy here in the United States and our leaders are elected. If they lead and legislate…


By Dwayne Hicks | September 28, 2022 |

I had the opportunity growing up to see so many examples of people being faithful. My parents and grandparents were faithful to their wives and families. They were faithful to God and walked in obedience. I also watched God’s faithfulness and favor to them.  There is a direct connection between my obedience and surrender to…


By Dwayne Hicks | September 27, 2022 |

I have tried over the years to be an example of a follower of Jesus to my children and then to others. I believe if I’m not consistent in my walk at home, then I’m falling on my face as a follower.  After setting the example of my faith at home, I can let it…


By Dwayne Hicks | September 26, 2022 |

I’ve traveled a good bit recently and been away from home and my bride. The reasons I was away was a good bit for business and personal growth. One of my trips was this past week with my college buddies and our annual golf trip. I call it my “goofing off” trip. This was our…


By Dwayne Hicks | September 18, 2022 |

This word means to compliment or acknowledge.  A commendation is often given for an action that deserves to be noticed and noted. For example, a soldier would receive a commendation because of brave behavior in battle. Many of the awards in our military are commendations connected to a specific action.  In sports, there are awards…

Become Generous

By Dwayne Hicks | September 17, 2022 |

I have known so many generous people throughout my lifetime. Some were generous with their finances. Some were generous with their time. Some were generous with their insight and counsel. Some were generous with their love. They all had a profound impact upon my life over the years. I can see certain people behind each…