I have watched a TV show called “Bones” a few times. The show is based on the premise that this guy can get clues to death from bones. Our bones are interesting parts of our whole body. We can’t function without them and they are fragile enough to break and need repair. There are entire…
As I was growing up, there were lots of people who spoke into my life to help me along the way. If I were to start naming them, I’m not sure this blog post would fit into the page. I would have to give a special shout out to my parents and grandparents who advised…
There are times when my plans happen exactly as I’ve laid them out. There are other times when things go “south” and I have to call an “audible” – in other words – pivot. In basketball, there is a pivot foot – which means one foot is anchored (pivot foot) and the other foot can…
There are several areas of my life that are subject to change daily, hourly or even with a minute’s notice. I wake up in the morning, grateful for all that the Lord has blessed me with. I also wake up each morning thinking about my journey with Him and how I can honor Him. It…
The principle of causation is not something we talk about a lot, but it is certainly a part of our everyday life. If I do “this”, then I cause “that” to happen. In just about every activity of life the principle of causation is in play. There is an app for my phone that is…
I have been wearing glasses for several years now. I think it was maybe 10 years ago that I was “promoted” to bi-focal lenses. Those are not super fun. Vision is something that often changes with age and not everyone has the same issues. I see people who wear glasses only to read and then…
I will admit that I have certain expectations of myself. I also have certain expectations of people around me. There are times when my expectations are very unrealistic. Expectation is a the anticipation of certain behavior, event or an activity to happen according to my hopes and dreams. Just because I expect something to happen…
A couple of years back I started a morning routine of starting my day with gratitude. I used to hit the snooze and for the 9 minutes between alarms, I would start naming things I’m grateful for. I have made it a habit to begin each day with a grateful heart. Even when my heart…