I’ve heard that word many times over the years directed at me. I’ve used that word with my children over the years as well. It’s meant to be a directive regarding my actions and activities. I must confess that I’ve ignored that directive a few times. A few years ago, when studying God’s Word, it…
I know people who “talk a good game”. If you listen to them, you assume that they are amazing at everything they do. They are the best fisherman, the best golfer, the best husband…. The list goes on and on. It’s one thing to talk about what you’ll do or to talk about your abilities,…
I am not a fan of big thunderstorms with high winds and lightening. I enjoy sitting on the front porch when a nice rain shower comes through. My front porch faces southwest, and that’s where a lot of our storm fronts come from. The summer thunderstorms go about as quickly as they come. Every now…
I remember observing praying people when I was a young kid. Zach Webb prayed at church and prayed the same prayer every time he was called upon to pray. My mammie was a quiet prayer warrior. Her faith was on display as she simply lived her life for others to notice. She was a student…
There are four mathematical basic operations of arithmetic. There is addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. Multiplication in its simplest form is repeated addition of a number. I was not a huge math fan when I was in school. Math touches every person on the planet in some form. I’ve used math while in ministry. I’ve…
I enjoy seeing the humanity of Jesus collide with the divinity of Jesus. He is fully human, but fully divine. That is hard to wrap my mind around. I do understand the humanity part because I am completely human. I can only understand His divinity through the Presence of God’s Spirit helping me. As I…
This is not easy to deal with. I’ve been rejected many times and it hurts. I’m sometimes rejected because of the position I hold or the title I have. At other times, I’m rejected because of what I’m saying or what I have said. Rejection seems to say I’m not good enough. Rejection doesn’t compliment,…
I love to look at gems, but I don’t know much about them. They can be fake gems and still be pretty. Real gems can be worth lots of money. If I found one, I’d need lots of help discerning its value. Jesus was giving multiple examples of how valuable the Kingdom of Heaven is.…
There are parts of this life that are considerably more valuable than others. There are wealthy people who would trade their wealth for their healthy. There are poor people who would trade anything to be wealthy. I believe wealth to be a relative term. If I give a dollar figure to wealth, I am leaving…
I remember as a kid learning how to use salt. I thought I loved how it tasted until I realized it brings out the flavor in food – it’s not really a food at all. A little salt is good and when it’s put into food that is cooking, it changes the entire dish. If…