Beautiful Collisions

There are collisions that are ugly. I had a collision with a guy as a freshman in college – my nose collided with his head. There was blood everywhere. I have been involved in other ugly collisions that involved cars. Some collisions are fun. I have been in another city or state and bump into someone that I knew from years ago. I think the Lord has a way of creating beautiful collisions.

Young Saul was sent to look for his Dad’s donkeys and ended up in a beautiful collision with Samuel who was told by God to anoint Saul as the first King of Israel. Check this out…

14 They went up to the town, and as they were entering it, there was Samuel, coming toward them on his way up to the high place.

15 Now the day before Saul came, the Lord had revealed this to Samuel: 16 “About this time tomorrow I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin. Anoint him ruler over my people Israel; he will deliver them from the hand of the Philistines. I have looked on my people, for their cry has reached me.”

17 When Samuel caught sight of Saul, the Lord said to him, “This is the man I spoke to you about; he will govern my people.” (1 Samuel 9:14-17 NLT)

I love how the Lord orchestrated this meeting. Samuel was listening to the Lord as he met Saul. Saul was just doing what he was asked to do by his Dad.  I think the Lord connects people through beautiful collisions for His Glory and His Plan. My role is to be receptive when this happens.

I’ve left late for an appointment only to hear of an accident on the road I was going on. I believe the Lord can help me avoid ugly collisions as well as encounter beautiful collisions. God longs for a close relationship with me. He loves creating collisions that build me and shape me. I think He as orchestrated other collisions to test me.

One thing that is weird about Shelter in Place is that collisions are still happening, but their virtual and digital.  God can be honored in every type of collision and in every circumstance I face.

Pressing On!


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