Barefoot and Backroads

Barefoot and BackroadsBlog by Kristen Hicks

Summer always has a way of bringing me back. Yet, this year I feel like it’s just been a common theme… returning. It keeps coming up. Returning to the things I did at first. Returning to who I’m meant to be—to who I’ve always been. Returning to simplicity. Returning to identity. Just coming back from whatever dark place the enemy meant to destroy me with—whatever pit, or circumstance, or emotional unrealistic expectation that was put on me by others or myself. Yes, just returning. 

I like to work within the seasons I’m placed in. Not just physical ones but spiritual ones. The ones that may or may not be hard to see. For example, last year, the Lord put me in a season of summer and called it “invincible.” He taught me about endurance, dreaming, resting, leaning, trusting, worship, and being fearless in everything. Then He led me into a different season and taught me what it meant to be grounded and rooted deeply in who He is and who He says that I am. That was a little bit more difficult. Sometimes in order for your roots to grow deeper, a little pruning has to take place. Still think I’m somewhat in this process. It’s painful and slightly misunderstanding at times. To the point, it can easily give the enemy a foothold— one that brings confusion, past struggles, new struggles. It’s foggy. 

But there has been a new season stirring in my belly. One that is beaming with expectancy. The Lord gave me two words— “barefoot and backroads.” I had to laugh because I’m pretty sure there are about 28 country songs with the same title. My favorite thing, however, was when the Lord asked me what comes to mind with each of these things. 

So here we go…

Barefoot… summer (that’s a given), long days, stargazing, fireflies, cool, soft grass, swings, sand, waves, water, worship. Someone asked me recently why I sing with my shoes off. She wanted to know if it was like a zen thing. Honestly, I’m not even sure what that even means. I told her that for starters, I just like it. But I also, heard someone say one time that they don’t like wearing shoes because they feel like they are closer to where they are without them. It resonated with me. Being present. Embracing the season, the place, the moment, right here, right now and allowing Him to envelop me and take over in it. No matter what. 

Backroads… driving (once again, duh), thinking, reflecting, processing, stillness, quiet, curvy roads, fresh air, sunsets, sunrises, breathing deep, singing at the top of my lungs, worship, jamming out, dancing, exploring, adventure, getting lost… on purpose. One of my favorite things to do is go for a drive. There is something about not getting in a hurry to get somewhere, in fact, going nowhere and taking the long way to do it, yet it actually gets me somewhere. It’s like the curves of the road parallel with my emotions, my heart, my thoughts. Ever getting closer to the Father’s. It helps me hear, understand, and once again be present. Sometimes it’s planned, sometimes it isn’t, but it never fails that the Lord comes and sits with me in those moments. Sometimes, it’s His idea. I remember this one time, we were in the car, just sitting still, being quiet and He asked me how I was feeling at that moment. I thought about it, and the only word that came to my heart, the only word that truly described it was… “whole.” I felt whole. And when I expressed that to Him, He smiled and said, “This is what I always wanted it to be like. Just us being together, doing life together. Whatever it is. Just as long as we are together.” Suddenly, everything that seemed so complicated became simple. Everything I had struggled with, every misunderstanding, every heartache, every pain suddenly didn’t seem to really matter. I realized at that moment that that is what His Presence brings, that’s what true love does. It brings peace into every area of your heart. It brings wholeness, and light, and simplicity into everything. It brings you back to how He always intended it. 

So this is what He desires for this season. Returning to simplicity— of identity, of purpose, of moments. Returning to His heart. Letting go of having to have every answer, understand every season and live presently in this day. This one really precious, simple day, allowing tomorrow to just be tomorrow. Letting go of heavy burdens Abba never meant for me to carry. Letting go of false expectations. Letting go of filtering, misinterpreting, overanalyzing, His voice and becoming obsessed with what He is really like— His true nature— claiming it, knowing it, sharing it, being it. He has been saying all this to me for a while. I just think now He is extending the invitation to embrace it. Embrace what He has always intended, what He has always longed for and wanted from the very beginning of time. So I have a challenge for us this season, let’s slow down and get lost with Him… on purpose. Let’s take our shoes off, breathe Him in deeply, and embrace the feeling of the ground beneath our bare feet. 

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