Bad People, Good People – One Amazing God

iwo jima memorialI had the privilege of being in Washington DC at the REALTOR Party Convention. The purpose was to continue to urge our legislators to protect private property rights and keep making home ownership available to regular working people. There were lots of education opportunities. As I walked or rode the streets of this most powerful city in the world, I was keenly aware of the fact that there are good people and bad people in the world. There is often times of war and times of peace. As we rode by the many embassies, I was reminded that the reason these embassies exist in each country is to work at peace to keep the bad people from hurting the good people.   I do realize that this is a huge over simplification of the main roles of government. I read one of David’s Psalms this am and he was counting on the Lord’s help to defeat the bad people. He opens up this passage by describing the conspiracies, their rhetoric and activities. Then the game changes when the Lord steps in. Check this out…

7 But God will shoot them with his arrows;

    they will suddenly be struck down.
8 He will turn their own tongues against them

    and bring them to ruin;

    all who see them will shake their heads in scorn.
9 All people will fear;

    they will proclaim the works of God

    and ponder what he has done.
10 The righteous will rejoice in the Lord

    and take refuge in him;

    all the upright in heart will glory in him! (Psalm 64:7-10 NIV)


I believe in our Amazing & All-Powerful God. He has the power to build up nations and also take out nations. I believe that He is stronger that the most powerful enemy. I also believe that He gives me a brain to act intelligently and wisely in times of dispute and disagreement. God is full of Mercy and Grace. He is also a God of justice. He is not a “push-over”. He is Wise beyond all Wisdom. He defines Love. He is Powerful to save. The enemy can’t stand against Him. I want to always be on His team. I want to take shelter in Him through the toughest of times. I trust Him without exception.

Pressing On!

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