Ask & Answered

Question and exclamation marksI do like to ask questions because I’m learning way more than just the specifics I’m asking about. I sometimes ask a question even though I think I know the answer. There I are times that when I’m asking the question, the answer clearly appears. I like to ask questions because they often lead to insight and perspective. Asaph was asking some questions and then the answers came clearly. Check this out….

6 I remembered my songs in the night.

    My heart meditated and my spirit asked:
7 ‘Will the Lord reject for ever?

    Will he never show his favor again?
8 Has his unfailing love vanished for ever?

    Has his promise failed for all time?
9 Has God forgotten to be merciful?

    Has he in anger withheld his compassion?’
10 Then I thought, ‘To this I will appeal:

    the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand.
11 I will remember the deeds of the Lord;

    yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
12 I will consider all your works

    and meditate on all your mighty deeds.’
13 Your ways, God, are holy.

    What god is as great as our God?
14 You are the God who performs miracles;

    you display your power among the peoples. (Psalm 77:6-14 NIV)


There are times when asking questions is the most spiritual thing I can do. If I don’t know the answer, it doesn’t mean the question is wrong. I believe questions to be teachable moments. I have seen questions that are meant to make the person asking the question look smart or bright. I really like simply honest questions that reveal the fact that “I don’t know everything”. There is a sense of humility and vulnerability in asking questions, that I believe God likes.

If I reflect on what I’ve learned from the journey I’ve been on, it sometimes point to the new direction I’m going or the new path the Lord has for my feet!

 Pressing On!

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