A Brief History Lesson

I loved history as a youngster. I was intrigued with Kentucky history and US History as a child. As an adult, I began to realize the significance of studying history. History can be a good predictor of our present and our future. We humans are interesting to observe. I think it was Winston Churchill who said that “those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.

I enjoy reading the Old Testament to a certain extent. I get a bit frustrated watching the people of God go through these rebellious cycles. They follow God, then they ignore Him. They return to following Him, then they worship idols. The cycle seems to repeat quite often. Before I become to frustrated and judgmental, I should take a look at my own journey. The Lord knows that my heart can easily be distracted from following Him and seeking the accolades of others. I can a most self-centered person.

Asaph gives a challenge to his people with a brief history lesson. I think it’s healthy on occasion to look at where we’ve been because it can predict where we are currently going. Check this out…..

O my people, listen to my instructions.
    Open your ears to what I am saying,
    for I will speak to you in a parable.
I will teach you hidden lessons from our past—
    stories we have heard and known,
    stories our ancestors handed down to us.
We will not hide these truths from our children;
    we will tell the next generation
about the glorious deeds of the Lord,
    about his power and his mighty wonders.
For he issued his laws to Jacob;
    he gave his instructions to Israel.
He commanded our ancestors
    to teach them to their children,
so the next generation might know them—
    even the children not yet born—
    and they in turn will teach their own children.
So each generation should set its hope anew on God,
    not forgetting his glorious miracles
    and obeying his commands. (Psalm 78:1-7 NLT)

I must remember that my choices today immediately become my past, but they always have a way of showing up in my future. I believe that following the Lord with my whole heart is not an annual commitment. It’s a daily commitment – hourly or minute by minute. These minutes become hours and the hours become days. The days become months, then years – before we know it, we have followed Him for a life-time.

I had the privilege in the past few days to see my oldest grandchildren recite a memory verse that they learned from their parents. That warms my heart because for at least another generation, my family will be seekers of God’s heart. It starts with the little things like knowing God’s Word. I’m thankful that the Lord has forgiven my past and He is walking with me today to build a strong history of following Him.

Pressing On!


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