Favor & Mercy
I don’t ever remember being the “teacher’s pet” when I was in school. I was pretty average and tried to “fly under the radar” for the most part. I enjoyed history more than most other subjects. I liked learning certain things, just not all the things that were taught in school. I remember times when I deserved some sort of discipline regarding homework but was given the opportunity to finish the work properly. I remember someone being nice to me simply because they knew my parents. My parents were the ones who earned the favor, but it was passed on to me. I didn’t know much about mercy and favor when I was a lot younger. I’ve become fully aware of it as an adult.
I came across this Psalm for the choir director that really speaks to the favor and mercy of God. Check this out….
1 May God be merciful and bless us.
May his face smile with favor on us.
2 May your ways be known throughout the earth,
your saving power among people everywhere.
3 May the nations praise you, O God.
Yes, may all the nations praise you.
4 Let the whole world sing for joy,
because you govern the nations with justice
and guide the people of the whole world. (Psalm 67:1-4 NLT)
I wish I knew some way to help the world to know Who God is and What He is doing in their lives and in their communities and in their country. I wish I was better at sharing what He is doing in my life and how He shows me favor and mercy all the time. I was reminded of a 6 minute talk that I heard by S.M. Lockridge, the pastor of Calvary Chapel Baptist Church in San Diego, California. I enjoyed listening to this again this morning.
I wish I could eloquently describe the mercy and favor that I’ve experienced from God. He is King of my heart and King of my life. I sure hope it shows in my life every day in every way. I wish the world could know of the love, mercy and grace of God the Father. I will keep seeking Him. I will keep seeking ways to make Him known to the world.
Pressing On!