Ticked Off

I know what it is like to be “ticked off”. It is a form of frustration for sure. I think there are different levels of frustration. I have been “disappointed” and then I’ve been ready to absolutely go after someone. I’m thankful to say that I’ve learned that a lot of my response to frustration…

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Desperate & Downcast

  I have been on the mountain top and I’ve wandered through the valley too. I like the mountain top a lot better. The mountain top doesn’t mean that all is well with me. The mountain top also doesn’t necessarily mean it’s “all downhill from here”. There are highs and lows to my life journey.…

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Crushed In Spirit

I can vividly remember the feeling of being crushed in spirit even when I was young as some fellow classmates were killed in a car accident. I remember the finality of their deaths and thinking about how life is a vapor. I can also remember being crushed in spirit 23 years ago spending my first…

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Open Wound

I have had many open wounds in my life. I usually have open wounds that involved a minor cut or scrape. I have accidentally nearly cut my finger off on a table saw before. Open wounds have probably happened to just about everyone. Some open wounds require stitches or staples to pull the skin tissue…

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