Why? – It’s not a bad question

I’ve heard it said that if you don’t know your “why”, your “how” won’t make sense. There is a reason behind all that I do – that is my “why”.  I’ve learned to check on my “why” as I walk through this life. This reveals my motives and the location of my heart in multiple…

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I remember when my children went through the stage of asking “Why?” about everything it seemed. It was always very tempting to answer: “Because I said so”.  I think “Why?” often offers a teachable moment. The word “Why” also is asking for clarity and understanding. There are times when it’s asked in multiple succession that…

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From Now On

These three words are powerful reminders that a pivot has been made. An event or a “wake-up call” happened that helped shift my attention. I remember the location when I first believed in God and really began to trust Him. I remember when certain events took place in my life that rocked me to my…

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Help Me Understand

There are others who have a different opinion about world events than I have. I don’t always understand their position. I should certainly respect their right to their own opinion. I should always remember that I’m not always right. I know it’s hard to believe that I sometimes get it wrong! (Sarcasm alert!) I used…

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My Motive

I believe it would be dishonest to say that I don’t have a motive. My motive doesn’t have to be bad to be a motive. I’ve know people with good motives and good intentions and things still went sideways. I’m not always willing to reveal my motives, but the Lord already knows my motives. I’m…

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Why Suffering?

There are a lot of things that I don’t understand about life here on earth. I have a pretty extensive list of questions that I want to ask the Lord when I see Him. As I continue to study His Word and get to know His Heart, I’ve received what I believe are some answers…

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