The Spirit of The Law

There are times where the letter of the law overtakes the “spirit of the law” or the intent. I’ve watched as lawmakers pass a new law intended to provide protection of people when the new law, unintentionally causes harm to others.  There are laws that are hard and strict. There are other laws that are…

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Battle Plan

I remember years ago watching the Gulf War on TV as it unfolded before the eyes of our nation. General Norman Schwarzkoph, Jr. gave briefings that explained how the US took the enemy by surprise.  He made it look rather simple even though it was series of complex maneuvers that fit into an overall battle…

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There are people who are “detail oriented” people and there those who overlook a lot of the details. The people who often skip or skim over the details are often dreamers and vision casters. They are on to the next big thing while the team that works to support them are plowing through the details.…

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There are all sorts of plans being made today. Some are mundane and routine, while others are well thought out and planned for a long period of time. There are times when planning and preparation develop into a well-orchestrated strategy. There are other times when the best laid plans fall on their face. I’ve seen…

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Creator & The Craftsman

I enjoy watching people who have learned a craft or skill. They do so many parts of their craft with ease and almost without thought. They have grown in their skill to the point where it is hard to imagine them ever starting from scratch and becoming so polished and skill. I enjoy woodworking and…

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I like to dream. I like to have goals that accompany my dreams. Some dreams are scary and disturbing, while other dreams are filled with joy and excitement. I haven’t figured out how to manage my dreams that happen while I’m asleep. I have learned that the dreams I have while I’m awake need to…

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