
This can be a hot topic of discussion as this emotion can cause more harm than good most of the time.  Anger can be an emotion that is helpful when I’m hurt or harmed, and I need to push through. Anger can also be an emotion that is extremely destructive and wiping out tons of…

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I like to dream. I like to have goals that accompany my dreams. Some dreams are scary and disturbing, while other dreams are filled with joy and excitement. I haven’t figured out how to manage my dreams that happen while I’m asleep. I have learned that the dreams I have while I’m awake need to…

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  I have learned the value of measuring things prior to building them. I have several tape measures in my possession because I seemed to have lost the good ones. The cheap tape measures work pretty decent, but the nice 25’ Stanley tape measure is tough to beat. Over the years in my limited wood…

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Survey is one of our English words that have several meanings for the same word. (This can drive people who are learning English a bit crazy!) First, the word survey can mean, “taking a poll to get opinions or ideas”. It can also mean, “taking a closer look at the situation from all angles to…

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Precise Measurement

I recently helped my son Luke build a bicycle ramp. He had designed it in his head and then he began to measure the left over lumber that was to be used. I got involved and help him cut out the pieces. As we were building it, I was reminded of a saying that a…

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Not Measurable

I have a tape measure in my desk at work. I have a tape measure in my shop at home. I have a tape measure in my home office. There is an app for my phone that allows me to measure the square footage of a house. My wife and I have measuring cups and…

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