Humility & Hypocrisy

I’m pretty sure I’ve met humble hypocrites. It is not normal because most hypocrites are super pride filled. They think they are all that. I’m not sure humility and hypocrisy can co-exist, especially after knowing Jesus. Jesus displayed incredible humility while teaching with authority. He warns against religious leaders whose hypocrisy is quite evident. I…

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I think when I was young, I dreamed of being wealthy and having people serve me all the time. I’d have people make my bed, iron my clothes, take out the trash – all sorts of stuff I didn’t want to do. When I got older and could afford to hire people to do things…

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Love Is Serving

I’ve been going to church since I was kid. My parents took me to church as a baby, so I guess I’ve been going my whole life. I remember hearing a guy say that going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to McDonalds makes you a hamburger. I think I…

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Thankful For Pastors, Teachers & Leaders

When I look back over my life, there are many people along the way who invested in me as a young man. There are people investing in me even today. I’ve also had the chance to invest in others.  Before I was a student pastor, I was just a young kid who wanted to serve…

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Leadership Transition

This is a presidential election year here in the United States. When our president is elected there is a peaceful transition of power that is shown around the world. In debate, it appears that the leaders hate each other, but they respect the office. There are leadership transitions that happen in various business. The board…

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Ready To Move

I work in a service business called Real Estate. I help people purchase a home, sell their current house, or sometimes both! It’s exciting and can be quite stressful. Simply packing up everything you own so that it can be moved is a lot of work in itself.  I’ve seen people plan to move and…

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