The Kindness of The Lord

If I will take moment to simply reflect on the kindness of the Lord, I could make a very long list of His kindness just toward me. I usually operate in the “here and now” NOT the “there and back then”. While walking through my day it’s easy to forget the good things the Lord…

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There are people who are mean, rude and self-righteous. They can tell you exactly what you are doing wrong in God’s eyes and they don’t mind telling you at all. They are full of themselves but cloaking their arrogance under “spiritual clothing”.  I believe God detests this sort of behavior. We are all sinners in…

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Mercy & Kindess

Now this is a word that I really like. It is defined “showing compassion and forgiveness toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm”. I am constantly in need of mercy as I stumble and bumble my way through life and situations. I may look like I know what I’m doing,…

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