Cloud Leadership

I have been a follower of Jesus since I can remember. I’ve had my seasons where I was closer in my walk with Him than others. I’ve learned the last several years about the importance of being consistent and steady in following Him. I am tempted like any other person to be selfish and self-serving,…

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A Blessing That Blesses

I remember my prayers before I went to bed when I was a kid…. “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take”. Looking back, it seems a bit negative to speak about dying…

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Favor & Blessing For Obedience

I grew up having to learn obedience. My parents taught me that it was wise to listen to their instruction and follow it. I can’t count the number of times I found safety because I listened. I do remember some of the times I ignored their counsel and did things my own way, only to…

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This is a good word that means: “liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish”. I try to live my life being generous with my time, talent and treasure to others. There are times when I’ve given out of obligation or pressure. Generosity is not as fun when it’s expected, or I feel obligated. I think generosity…

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Bedside Blessing

I am not been at the beside of a close friend or family member when they breathed their last. The ones I’ve heard about couldn’t talk much at the very end of their life. There are those who have spelled everything out for their family. There are those who’ve never told their children how much…

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Humble Approach

I’ve been to people before with “my hat in my hand” seeking help from them. I’ve learned over the years that my pride can be harmful to me finding favor or blessing from others. I know that I struggle with wanting to help prideful or arrogant people. I find myself wondering if they really need…

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