

'Permitted by law', under 'Legal'I remember watching Back To The Future II with the movie set in a time and place where there was little or no law. The wealthiest people did pretty much what they wanted, because no one in law enforcement would challenge them. I can’t imagine what that might be like. I’m pretty sure that people in power get a free pass on some law breaking, but they are to be held accountable for their behavior just like I’m held responsible for mine.

The problem in Israel was that they had no leader who was being used by God to lead the people. The very last sentence of the book of Judges sums up the trouble they faced. Check this out….

25 In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit. (Judges 21:25 NIV)

It is sad to think about what life would be like without the law and accountability that it brings to our society. I’m aware that many people break the law and some get away with pretty bad stuff for many years.

We are right in the middle of a presidential election. I’m not sure at this point which one will win. I know which candidates I like better than others. I know which candidates I would trust my family with and which I wouldn’t. Here in the USA, the majority elects one person to lead. If I didn’t vote for that person, it doesn’t matter – the majority wins. I am concerned about some of the rhetoric that I’ve heard in this campaign. It appears to me that each candidate has some significant philosophical differences. I’m not concerned though that the law of the land will go away with one leader rather than another.

I’m thankful that the Lord is my Leader.

His law code is the basis for much of our law code.

His code of Love, which includes surrender and sacrifice, is at the very core of our culture. It needs to be cultivated so that it grows as we learn to love and respect each other. We do have the freedoms to do a lot of things as we see fit, but there are certainly boundaries around all of us.

Pressing On!


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