Deep Friendship


I am blessed with lots of friends. There are deep friends and casual friends. My close friends are friends whom I could call no matter where I’m at in the world and they would figure out a way to get to me if I needed them. My casual friends are friends who would help me in a moment’s notice – if it were convenient to them. I believe friendship is an amazing blessing to most everyone. I’ve noticed that even people who are difficult to love and understand have friends. I’ve witnessed friendships that form out of location – some of my best deepest friendships were formed in college when my thought processes about life were forming and taking shape.

David and Jonathan (son of King Saul) had a very deep friendship. David felt like that Saul was out to kill him. Saul’s son Jonathan didn’t agree, but they determined a test of sorts. It turns out that Saul really was trying to kill David so Jonathan warned him. They parted ways and it was an emotional moment because they my not see each other ever again. Check this out…

42 Jonathan said to David, ‘Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord, saying, “The Lord is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants for ever.”’ Then David left, and Jonathan went back to the town. (1 Samuel 20:42)

As I get older I realize how significant and important each moment of life is with friends. My closest friends always pick up where we left off. We also retell some of the best stories.

I’m still learning that my closest friend ever is the Lord. He wants to be part of all that I am. He wants to be part of all that I’m doing and the places I’m going. I’ve learned to talk with Him about everything. He has never left and I don’t believe He ever will. He keeps my confidence. He shares in my joys and walks with me through sorrow and suffering.

I want to be the kind of friend to others that the Lord is toward me. I want to be trusted. I want to be available. I want to celebrate the joy and walk through the struggles. I believe God wired us for friendship with Himself and friendship with others.

Pressing On!


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