Wisdom & Money

These two elements can change my circumstances very fast. I’ve never won the lottery. I heard you have to “play the lottery” in order to win. I have purchased raffle tickets, but not won the price. The raffle tickets were for a good cause, so I justified jumping in. Money is “medium or exchange and measure of value”. Wisdom is “knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action”. King Solomon thought that when you put wisdom and money together it made for a great life. I was just talking and reflecting with a friend yesterday about a season when times were harder because I was low on money. He said something to the effect of: “I’ve had money and I’ve been broke; having money is better!” I do agree. Several years ago, I took Financial Peace from Dave Ramsey. That course really taught me wisdom in managing my money.  King Solomon was believed to be the wealthiest and wisest person who ever lived. I’ve been reading his booked called Ecclesiastes, and there are times he’s hard to follow and other times he’s “crystal clear”. Check this out….

Finishing is better than starting.
    Patience is better than pride.

Control your temper,
    for anger labels you a fool.

10 Don’t long for “the good old days.”
    This is not wise.

11 Wisdom is even better when you have money.
    Both are a benefit as you go through life.
12 Wisdom and money can get you almost anything,
    but only wisdom can save your life.(Ecclesiastes 7:8-12 NLT)

I am still seeking wisdom each day from the word of God. I seek wisdom from the Lord by talking to Him and listening to Him via prayer. I believe He is the Author of Wisdom and the Source of all my finances. I don’t believe that God just gives one-person money while another will struggle at the bottom.  I believe He gives us insight, good health and motivation to go “kill something and bring it home to eat”.  I don’t think that wisdom comes only from knowledge. I think wisdom comes on the scene through a vast array of experiences. I know some things that don’t work, but I don’t know everything.

“Broke is a state of my bank account – Poor is a state of my mind.” – Brian Buffini

One of my long-term goals is to be wealthy & wise. I feel like that one without the other is like a three-legged stool with a leg missing – it won’t stand.

Today can be a day in which my thinking pivots to seek wisdom. Wisdom screams to me that I must earn and save money. Wisdom directs my management of every area of my life including my money.

Pressing On!


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