Weak Body – Strong Spirit

The older I get the more that I watch the finish line. I must admit that there are some major distractions along the way. When the Lord speaks, He often whispers into my soul. When the enemy tries to trip me up, He is deafening.  The more time I spend with the Lord, the louder and more prominent His “whisper” becomes to me.  I am still learning to go beyond the noise of the enemy and listen for the counsel of the “whisper”.

So today is my 60th birthday and I told my wife several weeks back that for some reason I’m struggling with this birthday. I’ve had several people tell me that it’s nothing but a day on the calendar.  I think I’m finally having to admit I’m old. My daughter in law told me that 60 is the new 50! I do feel like the older I get physically, the stronger I am spiritually. This morning I was reminded that that isn’t always true. Check this out….

40 Then he returned to the disciples and found them asleep. He said to Peter, “Couldn’t you watch with me even one hour? 41 Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!” (Matthew 26:40-41 NLT)

I’m not saying that the disciples were 60 or older. I can identify with the exhaustion that they must have felt. Sometimes a short nap is in order!  This was a crucial point in Jesus’ mission here on earth and they were physically unable to be there for Him. I can imagine that they had lots of regret about this night in retrospect.

There is also a huge spiritual component to being alert and ready. I think the enemy comes at me most often when I’m tired. When my body is week, the enemy comes at me in strength. When I’m paying attention and watching carefully, I can see right through the enemy’s plan and ploy.

I have learned to pray often – especially when I’m weak. I don’t want to be short-fused or make a big decision when I’m weak or tired. (I’m using those two words somewhat synonymous.)  I need to notice when I’m tired to heighten my alert system to the enemy’s schemes.  I think as I get older, I’m tired more often and a bit different than being tired when I was young. I can still go before the Lord to get His help to step up my awareness to the weakness of my flesh. The Lord does some of His best work through and despite my weaknesses. I’m learning to lean on Him all throughout my day because my weakness is not always on schedule and predictable.

Pressing On!


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