
When I receive a warning, I usually pay attention. There are warnings that I’ve ignored over the years.  When I see a yellow curve sign on some back road and the suggested speed is 34 miles per hour, I usually ignore the suggested speed. When I see flashing yellow lights on the road, it’s a warning that something is going on.  A car parked with flashers on signals warning that something is not right. I get warnings that my battery is about to die on my phone and computer. I can choose to ignore the warning and my phone just stops working.

Ezekiel was tasked with warning the people of Israel. The Lord gave him some instructions to build a diorama of sorts. Check this out….

1 “And now, son of man, take a large clay brick and set it down in front of you. Then draw a map of the city of Jerusalem on it. Show the city under siege. Build a wall around it so no one can escape. Set up the enemy camp, and surround the city with siege ramps and battering rams. Then take an iron griddle and place it between you and the city. Turn toward the city and demonstrate how harsh the siege will be against Jerusalem. This will be a warning to the people of Israel. (Ezekiel 4:1-3 NLT)

In my line of work, we use timelines and the phrase: “time is off the essence”. This is a warning of sorts that something will happen after the deadlines. In other words, the dates in a contract are not suggestions.

I want to listen to the warnings from the Lord every day. I want to act upon His warnings. I am often prompted by His Spirit in me with a warning. If warnings come too often, they fade into the noise of the background. Many false alarms will also fade into the background noise.  I want to hear relevant warnings and I want to pass on relevant warnings to others. Warnings can save lives as well as lots of heartache.

Pressing On!


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