
vertigo dizzyMy Dad has had some pretty scary experiences with this ailment. Vertigo is defined as a sensation of whirling and loss of balance that can be caused by an inner ear issue. I not been diagnosed with vertigo, but I know what it’s like to be dizzy and fall. I’m not know to be clumsy but I can hold my own in that department. I’ve stumbled up the steps and down the steps. I’ve tripped on level ground. I’ve slipped on ice and busted by backside. Stumbling just comes with walking I think. I don’t stumble as much as it may sound, because I walk fairly normal. The one thing that happens every single time I stumble is that I get back up again and get moving. When I get older and I stumble and break a hip, then I might not get back up!

Hosea is speaking to Israel about spiritual vertigo. They have a tremendous heart problem. A heart problem leads to a behavior problem. The Lord speaks strongly to Israel. Check this out…

4 ‘Their deeds do not permit them

    to return to their God.

A spirit of prostitution is in their heart;

    they do not acknowledge the Lord.

5 Israel’s arrogance testifies against them;

    the Israelites, even Ephraim, stumble in their sin;

    Judah also stumbles with them. (Hosea 5:4-5 NIV)


Spiritual Vertigo doesn’t have to create permanent damage. Most of the time it is very temporary. When I stumble in sin, I need to confess my sin, repent of my sin and get moving toward the Lord once again. Spiritual vertigo comes from an inner heart problem. All of my behavior – good or bad; comes from my heart. There is a daily battle for my heart. I want the Lord to have complete control of my heart because then my behavior will follow. If He has my heart, I will not have spiritual vertigo.

Pressing On!


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