Use It or Lose It

I come from a musical family. My Grandma Hicks was in her 80’s when we would go visit. She lived in a nursing home, but she loved to play guitar. We would wheel her out and get her set up and she would entertain the other guests and us as well. She grew up play “Appalachian music” and mountain ballads.  I took a few guitar lessons as a kid and picked it up quickly. That gift served me well in my time in youth ministry. I am blessed that my children have picked up that gift of music too.

Jesus told a parable of receiving a gift of money, and the way three servants used it differently. I’m reminded after reading this parable that I have a responsibility with the gifts I’m given. Check this out…

29 To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. (Matthew 25:29 NLT)

Gifts come in all shapes and sizes. Some people are gifted at relationship, while others are gifted with incredible intellect. I think there are so many talents/gifts that come from the Lord that make all of us unique. When you hit that sweet spot with your gift or talent, you know you’re right where you’re supposed to be.

Some people have a challenge of discerning what they’re talent or gift is. I believe God blessed everyone with gifts and abilities to be used to honor Him. My life purpose is to honor the Lord. Whatever my gifts and abilities are, they are used to honor Him, not me. I am humbled when the Lord uses my talents or abilities to bless others and it’s super tempting to take credit. He should get the credit because He gave me the gift to be use for His glory. I certainly don’t want to lose my gifts because I’m being self-serving. I want to bless the Lord with my gifts.

Pressing On!


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