Unconventional Trust


Trust with blue markerTrust is the “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something.” It also means accepting the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation. I trust some people more than others. I also sometimes appear to trust people that I’m watching carefully. I’ve been “bit” by trusting the wrong people before. I’m awkwardly suspicious of people I don’t know. I believe trust that is broken needs to be earned back and it really takes some time.

My trust in the Lord has grown more and more rock solid over the years. I’ve had to trust Him with big details in my life. As I read His Word and discover more about Him, I know I can trust Him without pause.

The prophet Habakkuk was having a conversation with the Lord about what is coming and the prophet was asking questions and complaining about the situation his country was in. The Lord has an answer coming. Check this out….

5 ‘Look at the nations and watch –

    and be utterly amazed.

For I am going to do something in your days

    that you would not believe,

    even if you were told. (Habakkuk 1:5 NIV)

There are times that the Lord does things way different than I would like Him to. He doesn’t consult me before doing the best thing for me. The Lords Power and His Presence amaze me in my life. I can’t always describe or analyze His ways, but I trust Him. I have found that when I’m in the least control – He is in complete control. I know it’s not always logical to trust Him, but it’s the right thing to do 100% of the time.

Pressing On!


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