
That word stirs stuff inside my heart. I’ve seen it abused and laughed at. I’ve seen such deceit and dishonesty that it can really turn my stomach upside down. I was taught at a very young age the importance of truth. In fact, I was taught that truth would come out even if someone tried to cover it with a lie.

As I grew up, I also began to see truth as something that is from God. In the Bible, Jesus is referred to as “the Way, the Truth and the Life”.  I also see Truth personified in the person of Jesus, the Son of God.  I came across the shortest Psalm and I think the shortest chapter in scripture this morning. This little chapter packs a powerful punch. Check this out….
All you nations, praise the Lord.All you people, praise himbecause the Lord loves us very much,and his truth is everlasting.Praise the Lord (Psalm 117:1-2 NCV)
I believe that Truth is eternal and everything else is temporary. I believe that God loves honesty even though it’s sometimes painful – it’s real. I love how the Psalmist speaks to us praising the Lord for two reasons: 1. He loves us! 2. His Truth is everlasting!

Today I want to begin by praising God for loving me so deeply and dearly. I’ve never been loved by anyone like He loves.  I also want to praise Him for His Truth which is eternal. He never backs down. He never changes His story. He is faithful and true! I love Him for that!


Pressing On!


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