
I am amazed at what great lengths people will go to for a free gift or money. In the past, I have endured a sales pitch in order to win a free TV or an overnight stay somewhere that always looks much nicer than it is. I do like to get something for nothing. I…

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  There are times when what I see, hear or experience is simply overwhelming. I don’t always have words to describe what I saw or heard or even experienced. It’s at those times I should probably not say anything. I should try to just take it in. Sometimes there are simply no words to describe…

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The WOW Factor

I love being “wowed” for the most part. There are some surprises that are a bit annoying. I love it when a person who is serving me or my family “over delivers”. I am impressed when someone goes above and beyond their job description or “call of duty” to serve with extraordinary skill and care.…

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