
I learned as a kid to respect authority. There are people in authority who probably shouldn’t be in that position.  I am sometimes disappointed by our elected officials who have authority to act. I’ve learned to respect the position they hold even if I don’t agree with their decision making. As I write this, I’m…

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I learned at a very young age that there was always someone in authority over me. It started with my parents teaching me the value of respecting others. I learned to submit to the authority of my teachers at school. I also learned to submit to the authority of the police officers. Even today there…

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I grew up being taught to respect authority. If the person in charge gave instructions, I was taught to listen and pay respect to them because of their position. I have done my share of disrespecting authority. I struggle a good bit with “speed limit” signs and their authority over traffic.  There are “Authorities” everywhere.…

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