Why Suffering?

There are a lot of things that I don’t understand about life here on earth. I have a pretty extensive list of questions that I want to ask the Lord when I see Him. As I continue to study His Word and get to know His Heart, I’ve received what I believe are some answers…

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Pick Your Battles

I remember being advised this as a young parent. I wasn’t sure quite what this meant until my kids became teenagers. During the adolescent years when kids are being transformed into adults there are lots of variables for them. They don’t think wisely in general because they are not wise yet – duh. They are…

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Strength For The Fight

I sometimes try to imagine what some of our military men and women go through in fighting to protect the freedoms that I enjoy. I can hardly put my head around some of the conditions of the battle. I assume that there is an emotional/mental component of struggle from being away from home and loved…

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Strength In Struggle

  There have been way too many times in my life when I felt like all was lost. The pain that comes through suffering is almost devastating. There are times when I find it hard to lift my head because of what I’m facing. I’m still learning that there is ALWAYS Hope because of Creator…

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There are times that I can walk into a room with confidence because I have done the work and I’m prepared for this meeting that I’m about to have. I have researched. I have revised. I have discovered options. I have drilled down the info to the bottom line. Then there are other times when…

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Moan & Groan

I think “moan and groan” might be related “whine and wail”. When I think of these words, the word anguish comes to mind. I’ve moaned and groaned in a state of desperation when my life was broken. I’ve whined and wailed in deep pain and struggle. These are not great places to be. I’ve since…

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